A Song, A Needle and Some Thread
“Seek the LORD while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near.”
While in the car scanning the stations, a radio announcer caught my attention with an interview he was conducting with an up and coming country musician. The musician sounded charming, so I stopped the scan and listened to what was being said. It was amusing and fun.
After the brief interview, the station returned to its regularly scheduled programming which involved an upbeat song. Whoa! Thirty seconds in, and I was glad my kids weren't in the car with me. I immediately changed the channel.
Fast forward to today as I stood by my husband in church singing, "Oh the overwhelming, never ending reckless love of God. It chases me down, fights til I'm found leaves the ninety-nine." That's my current jam. Am I allowed to call a song my jam? Or am I too old? Anyway, I love the lyrics.
While I was worshiping, I had a talk with God explaining to Him--like He doesn't know all my thoughts--how I want my kids to always know they are loved and pursued by Him. I was recounting all of the times He has pursued me. Never stopping. Relentless. Coming after me.
A lot of deep seated problems people face are due to the fact they don't know of what cloth they were created. They don't realize the beauty coming with being clothed in Christ. They don't realize walking with Him makes life much more bearable than walking through this life alone.
Some don't have God's word sewn into their very being; therefore, they come unraveled quickly choosing, sometimes unconsciously, to live torn, ripped, damaged. God hasn't been given authority in their life to do the needlework.
Sadly, they may not even realize HE IS. He is the solution. He is the answer. He is the miracle worker.
This may be a strange analogy, but I was thinking about how if fabric had nerve endings and feelings, it would feel pain each and every time the needle pierced. But at the end of the sewing, something is created. Something old can be transformed into something new. Something appearing frayed and unusable becomes a piece of art.
I see a parallel to our lives. Can you see it? The needle can hurt. No, the needle always hurts. But it's purpose is to create something better.
When we allow God's word to sew us together, He uses tough yet gentle threads of love, kindness, joy and peace. He weaves us together forming the seam holding us tightly to Him stitching up our raw edges over and over again.
Like each of you reading this, I have been the torn tapestry. I had a time in my life where I was living apart from God and His will. His word was not sewn deeply into the fabric of who I was and who He wanted me to be. I lived selfish. Actually, I wasn't living at all. But I am here to attest to a truth, there is no tapestry torn beyond God's repair.
And maybe I am writing lately about God making things new, because this past month marks the two year anniversary of when God did something new, something amazing, something miraculous in my marriage and in my family. If God can do it for me, He can do it for you. Nothing and no one is beyond His repair.
And as corny as this sounds, He has a needle and thread in His hand, ready to bind up your wounds. Ready to bind you to Him, ready to tell you who you are and whose you are. He is ready to walk with you through the hell sometimes experienced on earth knitting you closer and closer to His Holy Spirit.
He is ready to complete His masterpiece--you.
Father, thank you for giving us your word. A living, breathing word, like a thread sewing us closer to Jesus. Thank you for allowing us to attach ourselves to you, to your will, and to your purposes. God, I ask you to be near to the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit. I ask you to bind wounds and heal hearts, heal marriages, heal strained relationships, heal families. I pray individuals will have a fresh revelation of who you are and a desire to serve you faithfully all of their days. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.