"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Elizabeth Appell

{WIN} a COPY of Courageous Women of the Bible

{WIN} a COPY of Courageous Women of the Bible

When you think of courageous women who do you think of? If you are like me, you probably think of women like Rosa Parks who stood up for civil rights or Amelia Earhart who was the first women to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. 

LaTan Roland Murphy introduces us to a few other women who showed tremendous amounts of courage in ways we may not initially think about in her book, "Courageous Women of the Bible: LEAVING BEHIND FEAR & INSECURITY FOR A LIFE OF CONFIDENCE AND FREEDOM." 

She takes us behind the scenes of Biblical characters like Deborah, a woman who needed courage to lead and judge. She shows us how much courage and faith was needed by the woman with the issue of blood who dared to touch the hem of Jesus' garment. And what about the Samaritan woman? Jesus practically read her mail at the well. Imagine how much courage she needed to engage with Him after knowing He knew every deep dark thing she had ever done. 

At the end of each chapter, questions lead the reader in deeper thought and intimacy with the Lord. The last chapter is "Courage Coming: Journaling Your Way Toward Courageous Living" asking you, the reader, to write honest thoughts and feelings so more courage can be applied to your life and your specific situation. 

LaTan gives Biblical and practical advice on how to overcome fear and become a woman of courage just as our sisters in the Bible did. Reading this book was perfect timing for me as I leave in a few hours for the mission field of Haiti. I will remember these women as reminders of of courage and faith. 

If you struggle with fear and insecurity, this book is for you! If you need more courage to trust God, to move into action, or to be still, register to win a FREE copy! 

How to WIN your copy: 

Comment on the Facebook post and fill in the blanks: The most courageous woman I know is_______ because__________.

Deadline to enter is June 16--the day I return from Haiti. 

{Giveaway} Win a FREE copy of the Beginner's Bible

{Giveaway} Win a FREE copy of the Beginner's Bible

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