"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Elizabeth Appell

Dropping Crumbs

Dropping Crumbs

Solomon, noted to be the wisest man to ever live, wrote, "Don’t bad-mouth your leaders, not even under your breath, And don’t abuse your betters, even in the privacy of your home. Loose talk has a way of getting picked up and spread around. Little birds drop the crumbs of your gossip far and wide." Ecclesiastes 10:20


What if we prayed for our leaders, whether it be our boss or our President or our pastor, as much as we criticized them? Instead of looking for fault and picking them apart, we should fall to our knees and ask God to guide them and us with His wisdom. Every negative crumb we drop has the potential to be spread, stretched and distorted.



Keeping our mind on what is noble and good protects us. Imagine the honor we would show Jesus if we avoided having a critical spirit. He loves us all...even those we disagree with.




Stop Fighting Battles You Were Never Meant to Fight

Stop Fighting Battles You Were Never Meant to Fight

Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back