He Sees Us, He Seeks Us

He Sees Us, He Seeks Us

"Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden." Genesis 3:8

Isaiah and Spencer were arguing earlier today. Isaiah wanted to watch Good Luck Charlie. Spencer proclaimed that it was violent and inappropriate (whatever). It was his way of trying to get his way. When Isaiah didn't give in to his taunts, Spencer destroyed something Isaiah built.

I turned on the firm Mom voice from the kitchen, "Boys, LISTEN. Both of you are being selfish right now...." As soon as I said those words, Spencer's water works started and he was crying loudly and hiding in the hallway.

I called for him, "Spencer, come in here so I can see you."

He answered, "No, Momma. I can't show my face. I am in trouble."

I had a moment where I envisioned Adam and Eve in the garden where God said, "Adam, what have you done?" as Adam and Eve hid from him.

God knew where they were, but he wanted Adam to confess. I knew where Spencer was, but I wanted to see his face and talk to him. I wanted to lovingly teach him and hug him.

But he was too ashamed to come to me, so I went to him. I hugged him and said, "I love you son whether you're in trouble or not." He wailed even louder.

"Spencer, do you hear me? I love you. Nothing can change that. Just like God loved Adam and Eve in the garden when they made a mistake. He still loves you, too."

I went on to explain to my son when we mess up and hide from God, he seeks us. And he still SEES us. He comes to us and reminds us that he still loves us no matter what. He gives us another chance to get it right.

Nothing, NOTHING can separate us from his LOVE.

Spencer began to calm down, and the joy of the Lord was overwhelming.

I am thankful today not for just what he has done for me but for WHO he is. A Father who never gives up on his children. A Savior who loves us in our darkest moments. A forgiving God waiting for us with outstretched hands. Wow! What an awesome Creator we serve!

Father, you are a joy to serve. Thank you for teachable moments in our lives. Thank you for allowing us to recognize your still small voice that corrects us and guides us. Thank you for forgiving us over and over when we fail you. Thank you for extending your grace and mercy and for making us new each and every day. You are worthy! You are awesome! You are THE KING of kings and the Lord of lords. We are honored to serve you. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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Called into the Unknown

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