Two Books Your Daughter Needs In Her Backpack {and a GIVEAWAY to get them}
Brave Beauty: Finding the Fearless You
I'm raising two boys. One is eleven and one is seven. The eleven year old is obsessed with medieval times and Scotland. He talks excitedly about owning his own kilt, suit coat, and bag pipes. He can't wait until he grows a full beard. His free spirit loves to draw and create stories. As he transitions into the teen years, changes are coming. Some are already evident. More experienced moms say, "Brace yourself. The season ahead is hard."
My seven year old is also an artist and warrior at heart. He's a people pleaser striving to walk the straight and narrow. Recently, he wore two pairs of socks to school all day. When he got home, he said, "My feet are wet. They were sweaty today." Apparently, he had worn the plain socks I had picked out for him that morning and a pair of character socks he wanted to wear. When asking why he wore the two pairs of socks, his reply was, "I didn't want to disappoint you, Momma so I wore the ones you picked out and the ones I wanted to wear."
Heart melted.
So you may be wondering, why did I agree to review a tween book called Brave Beauty: Finding the Fearless You when I'm raising boys...well, maybe you aren't asking, but I will explain. I was once a tween girl who struggled with her identity. Even though I accepted Christ at an early age, I found my identity in many other things--boys, clothing, and who liked me and who didn't. Insecurity, anxiety and low self-esteem were known friends of mine.
Brave Beauty: Finding the Fearless You by Lynn Cowell
When I received Brave Beauty, I immediately flipped through the table of contents finding 100 mini chapters relating to forgiveness, salvation, anxiety, self-worth, self-confidence, friends, peer pressure and purpose.
After a brief perusal, I decided I would incorporate the devotionals into our nightly God-time with our boys. This book is aimed at girls, but the contents were so good, I knew I would make it work with my boys.
Each chapter contains a relatable story with the Word of God weaved within. An activity and prayer closes each chapter.
My boys have loved this book, and they have no clue it's aimed at tween girls. Very rarely, I will have to change the wording by saying "boys" instead of "girls." Or interchange the word handsome for beautiful. No big deal.
After each chapter, my boys make comments like, "That was really good" or "That was helpful."
If you are looking for a devotional to do with your tweens or a devotional your tween girl can do on her own, this is it. It's up to us to teach our children how to spend time with God each and every day. Brave Beauty is a great book to slip into your daughter's life and backpack. The wisdom and practical application within each chapter has the ability to produce eternal fruit.
Follow this link to get your copy of Brave Beauty or find it wherever Christian books or sold.
NIV Faith Girlz Backpack Bible
When I received the invitation to review the Faith Girlz Backbook Bible, I was so excited. Again, I don't have a daughter to give this book to, but I carry a backpack for work purposes, and I am a daughter. That qualifies me, right?
I am always looking for a small bible to carry in my backpack. Something I can easily pull out when I'm stuck in traffic, on an airplane or riding the Marta. I love my Bible app, but there is something special about holding the pages near my heart and reading the living word of God. And let's be honest, sometimes using our phones as a Bible can be distracting as texts and emails interrupt our time in the Word.
This sweet, pink Bible is perfect for any girl, although it's targeted toward girls 8-12. It contains twelve full color pages with activities beckoning girls to be who God has called them to be in Him. The soft imitation leather cover makes the Bible flexible and easy to hold and carry.
If you've been researching what Bible to get your daughter, niece, or friend's daughter, this is it! The appearance of the Backpack Bible by Zondervan won't disappoint you. And the words inside are the sweetest gift of all!
Follow this link to buy your own copy of the Backpack Bible or grab it wherever Christian books are sold.
I will be giving away one copy of EACH of these two fabulous books. In order win, follow these steps by Friday, September 29th:
1. Leave a comment on my Facebook post telling me why the girl in your life would be blessed by Brave Beauty and/or the Backpack Bible.
2. Tag a friend who you think might have a girl in her life who would love either book.
Until next time...sincerely yours truly.